Noticing Memory Loss? Worried It Could Lead To Alzheimer’s?

  • Are hidden stressors triggering cognitive health issues such as brain fog, memory lapses, and neuroinflammation?

  • Find out if you are missing early warning signs for Alzheimer's

    ... and what blood sugar imbalances, insulin resistance and cardiometabolic factors reveal about your risk profile.

  • Discover which physiological stressors keep your body in an inflamed state... reducing focus, memory & cognitive function.

Take this short quiz to find out which key stressors are to blame!


3 Intriguing Facts About Memory Loss

"My Labs Are Normal..."

They may be normal, but are you running the right tests?

Standard lab tests typically don't look at signs of stress & inflammation... leaving you in the dark about your true risk. That's why we go beyond standard lab tests to find out what your stress response and inflammation indicators are. Plus, we use advanced brain testing to identify the extent of your brain changes and cognitive decline. Take the first step to find out whether your symptom's could lead to Alzheimer's.

"I Eat Healthy..."

Are nutrient deficiencies contributing to inflammation?

Most people, even healthy eaters, have nutrient deficiencies due to stress, gut issues, toxic exposure and taking medications. Without proper nutrition, your might struggle with neuroinflammation and lowered cognitive function. Using an integrative approach, we first evaluate all possible root causes of neuroinflammation – including possible nutrient deficiencies that can be readily corrected or supplemented.

Impact Of Gut Health

Gut issues & chronic infections ramp up neuroinflammation!

Inflammation is a major contributor to physiological & emotional stress and it frequently starts in your gut! Conditions such as constant digestive drama (like heartburn & bloating), unresolved infections and even food sensitivities oftentimes increase systemic inflammation as bacteria enters your bloodstream. You may not realize it, but simple gut issues may lead to significant health issues. We need to address those issues along with sensible lifestyle modifications to help your body reduce inflammation.

Meet David Ward, DC, MS, ATC

David Ward, DC, MS, ATC

Dr. David Ward is a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic and Functional Healthcare practitioner. He has completed over 300 hours of postdoctoral education in nutrition & functional healthcare through Southern California University of Health Sciences. Dr. Ward is a certified ReCODE 2.0 practitioner of the Bredesen Protocol™, a comprehensive, personalized program designed to support brain health for those experiencing or at risk for cognitive decline. His clinical approach includes teaching lifestyle-based strategies for the restoration and maintenance of health and prevention of disease.

Dr. Ward’s passion for helping individuals with complex health conditions was born out of his own health challenges. After being diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder at age 17, he floundered within the conventional medical paradigm, experiencing a number of severe flare ups and short-lived remissions. It was only after discovering a Functional Health approach that he was able to attained long-term remission. Dr. Ward often says, “Conventional medicine kept me alive, but a functional healthcare approach gave me my life back.”

Your Health + Wellness Is Our Passion

Helping people live a more balanced & healthier life isn't just our job, it's our passion! We take our commitment to lifelong, optimal health and wellness very seriously... incorporating the latest scientific advances and striving for the best care possible.

We focus on giving you the care you need, not the care sanctioned by health insurance – which is why our programs include longer appointment times, more communication, more advanced testing and guidance on lifestyle factors that can truly make or break your health.

We are your trusted partner working towards a healthier, more resilient life – supporting you every step of the way, because we know what's possible when you have the right support, knowledge and motivation!

If you haven't found the answers you've been looking for with traditional medicine and still feel unheard, you are in the right place! We're excited to help you write your own health success story. Let's take the first step with the quiz :)


Ready For Amazing Results Like These?

"Can’t say enough about Dr. Lastname and his exceptional team. I just completed a year as a practice member and I feel fantastic. I have learned so much about healthy eating and continue to get compliments on how great I look and my positive energy. While the weight loss has been slow, about 30 pounds over the past year, my clothes fit so much better and I love how trim my waist feels!! What’s more is that my energy is finally back and now I can work out on a regular basis without feeling wiped out after".

Amanda T.

Peoría, IL

"Several years ago, my primary physician recommended Dr. Lastname for a problem I was having. I've been back for various ailments over the years; each of which is met with a focused approach resulting in the desired result. Add in great conversation and a genuine caring attitude - truly a winning combination. I have recommended him many times to my friends."

Kimberly L.

Chicago, IL

"Dr. Lastname is incredibly kind and always goes the extra mile in all aspects. He was there to support me whenever I needed it as well. He is incredibly knowledgeable and has helped me resolve a lot of my health issues, especially my hormonal imbalance. I highly recommend him if you are ready to improve your quality of life."

Jasmine R.

Chicago, IL

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